Test Sail the Shogun 43 During Palma Yachting Festival
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Want a cruising yacht that effortlessly combines innovative design and ground-breaking technology, to make doublehanded sailing easy and fun – even at top speed?
Enter the Shogun 43.
Developed with a focus on performance and ease of use, this cruiser goes beyond conventional and traditional design, taking performance cruising to the next level. It is the yacht for you who love speed and want to sail fast without a crew. It is for you who want to have fun on the water and maximise your sailing experience every time you go out, but still want full interior comfort onboard. Shogun 43 gives you both.
The interior of the Shogun 43 is developed to look and feel harmonious both from a sensory and auditory perspective. We wanted to create a quiet and cosy space with an interior that feels solid, and still is lightweight.
Thanks to a sleek design that can be customised specifically to your type of sailing, the Shogun 43 is a hybrid performer – whether its weekend hops or long distance cruising. Change your setup depending on the number of people onboard, weather conditions, type of sailing, preferred power, and overall experience.
The Shogun 43 will be on show at PIBS in Palma, April 25-28, 2024!
Germany's largest outdoor boat show! The Shogun 43 will be in Neustadt, May 31 - June 2, 2024.
The Shogun 43 is designed to be fun and an absolute thrill to sail, which is why we have torn up the rulebook and discarded the notion of what a sail plan should look like. Instead, we have placed the mast further aft, behind the dining table, to get a bigger fore triangle base for headsails. This allows the Shogun 43 to have a 100% self-tacking jib which is a break from conventional Scandinavian yacht design.
The large foretriangle base also gives the yacht multiple options for headsails. This gives Shogun 43 a flexible sail plan, which is easy to manage. Options for headsails allows you to easily choose how much horsepower you want in any given occasion. Change your setup depending on the type of sailing, weather conditions, preferred power, number of crew and overall experience. So even if the Shogun 43 is a high performer, you as a sailor decides how sensitive you want your Shogun to be.
We have made this yacht with two different rig and keel options. Your choice depends on the style of sailor you are and what you want to achieve on the water. If you are looking for thrill and exhilaration, the rig with runners and a square top mainsail with a 2.7 m draft keel is the setup that will give you ultimate performance. If you are a more into short-handed sailing or prefer relaxed cruising, then chose the rig with regular backstay and a pinhead mainsail for the shallower 2.4 m keel. Regardless which option you chose, both have a mainsail large enough to always have enough power to help you leave other yachts in your wake.
The Shogun 43 is as flexible as you want it to be.
The exterior layout of the Shogun 43 is designed to be enjoyed by all kind of sailors, from keen racers to relaxed cruising yachtsmen – and especially if you are both. The unique addition of dual winches on the cabin top simplifies doublehanded sailing. Multiple onboard features are designed to remove the need for a crew the size of a football team normally required to set a kite.
Are you wondering how to use both winch handles at the same time? You don’t. The pit winches are electric. Use the organisers to efficiently manage the halyards and control lines from either side of the cockpit.
The standard jib tracks are placed on the coachroof to achieve an optimal trim angle and a good sail profile, even when not using the inhaulers. You can choose to have a second pair of tracks, conventionally placed down on the side deck, with floating inhaulers to maximise trim range. Alternatively, you can forgo the tracks on the coachroof and just have the ones on the side deck. It is also possible to add padeyes on the deck for genoa or outboard trim functions.
While performance is at the heart of the Shogun 43, style and comfort reign below deck. The whole interior has a wood veneer finish, and the floor is made in a customisable, synthetic fibre. The yacht comes with thick, comfortable cushions clad in a luxurious fabric in the colour of your choice. Every area below deck has multiple design options, allowing you to tailor the yacht entirely to your aesthetic preferences.
Underneath the wood veneer, the interior is built in using a flax fibre laminate sandwich construction with a divinycell core. The structural part of the interior is made in a similar way, but with carbon laminate, as it is stronger. Both laminates have the same low weight, but the flax resonates a more dampened sound when you touch it, creating a more relaxed atmosphere inside the yacht.
Specifically for the Shogun, we utilised new solutions to make the fine interior lightweight. Details, like the construction method of the of the corners, making them neither rounded nor straight – but rather like the vertices of a hexagon, cut the weight nearly in half compared to other cruising yachts. They are signature Shogun.
The layout has three double berth cabins, one in the bow and two aft. and has the salon table placed forward in the centre, with the mast situated aft of the table. Three large and aligned skylights are located above the table, allowing the sky to enter the salon. Two couches, with large portlights behind them, stretch along on both sides of the salon. The L-shaped galley is located to port, opposite the spacious heads to starboard.
The Shogun 43’s hull, deck, rig, rudders, and the structural elements of the interior are made entirely from carbon. Even the keel blade is made in carbon to maximise leverage, as the majority of the weight is then transferred to the bulb, giving the yacht better righting moment.
The fusion of the hull and deck is done differently. Instead of placing the deck onto the hull and fusing them at the shear line, the Shoguns hull sides fuses by the inside of the deck by the cabin house. This why Shogun can have such a smooth and rounded shearline.
When the hull and deck are laminated as one unit it ensures a stiffer structure. The bottom structure is then laminated in after the hull sides are fused.
The cabin top and stern are laminated in individual forms and later fused with the hull. With this stiffer overall structure, the bulkheads become less significant. Allowing the Shogun 43 to have a divided bulkhead structure forward with three aligned skylights. This is the reason the yacht has an open interior that creates a spacious feel.
All the carbon laminates are vacuum infused with epoxy and are created in collaboration with our partners and composite experts Vaxholm Komposit, Marstrom Composite and Linjett Yachts.
Chili red, midnight blue, lime green or coffee? The Shogun 43 does not only stand out from the crowd through her design and aggressive lines, she also comes in a wide range of colour coatings. Why stick with white when there are a variety of unique and exclusive finishes that will make your Shogun even more you? Shogun Yachts offer colours from Axalta, previously only available for cars, which means you can get the Shogun 43 in any shiny, colourful coating – even metallic if you like.
"Comparisons with very high-end sports saloon cars spring to mind: anyone can drive it, but those who have appropriate skills and experience can also extract an awesome amount of performance and enjoyment."
Review in Spanish, on page 148-153.
"A slender, aggresive all carbon fast cruiser with plenty of tricks"
“In a world where nearly all new products follow a defined trend, it feels reassuring to know that someone out there has invented a boat that is like nothing else. Shogun 43 is a raised middle finger to the established mass market. And she is the most ambitious, ambiguous boat imaginable.”
"This is a truly unusual boat and slightly confusing as it serves perfectly well as any other performance cruiser but definitely has a certain ‘X’ factor that is intangible but also most definitely gives the boat presence. The performance is superb but the boat is far from a racer. In detuned mode you could single hand with ease. The interior is a really nice with a good ambience."
"Exciting with wing tail and reverse bow, state-of-the-art construction with prepregcarbon sandwich, construction with lots of fabric and righting moment crass. And a modern, thoroughly homely interior with a pantry, shower room, cabins and everything that goes with it. The Shogun 43 is a weapon under sail, but doesn't seem to have any touring deficits in port."
"Ensin revittiin ohjekirja, virnistää suunnittelija Oscar Södergren. Sitten tehtiin vene tilaajan toiveisiin: erittäin nopea risteilijä, joka pysyy kahden harrastepurjehtijan käsissä ja kelpaa asumiseen Tukholman saaristossa."
"Den lave vekten gjør at båten skyter fart. Hekken slipper også vannet elegant, slik lette båter skal gjøre. To ror gjør at du ikke mister kontrollen selv om du er litt sen med å slippe ut på storseilskjøtet. Mulighetene er mange, og dette er for eksperter."
"Thanks to many possible performance levels, the Shogun 43 can be individually tailored to the owner's needs. This means that the concept can be further refined and tuned in almost any way. Apparently only the best is good enough for the yacht builders at Shogun Yachts."